Is there anyone in the organization that cannot communicate verbally in English?* What Languages do they verbally communicate in?* Is there a need for written language skills other than English?* Please specify language(s):*
Are you currently certified with DQS?* If you are not design responsible, please identify which of your customers are design responsible:*
Please type n/a if not applicable. (If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are all customers design responsible?* Are you currently using a consultant?* Please identify your consultant's name and company:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
What Level of CMMC is your organization seeking:* Does your company have any Federal Contract Information (FCI) or Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) data?* Which of these would best describe your FCI or CUI data?* Which of these best describes where the FCI/CUI data service availability?* Please list any regulatory requirements applicable to the products/services included in the scope of registration:*
Please type n/a if not applicable. (If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are you interested in Integrated audits of the management systems?* Please select the standards which are integrated* Do you have integrated documentation including work instructions to a good extent?* Do you have an integrated Management Review that considers the overall business strategy and plan?* Do you have an integrated approach to internal audits?* Do you have an integrated approach to policy and objectives?* Do you have an integrated approach to processes?* Do you have an integrated approach to improvement mechanisms like corrective action, risk based approach, measurement and continual improvement?* Do you have integrated management with responsibility and authority for conformance of all management systems?* Please add any comments in regard to the integration questions if explanations are needed*
Does your organization fall under export control requirements which require the auditor to have a specific citizenship?* Please list the requirements:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
List any processes/products that cannot be assessed because they are classified:*
Please type n/a if not applicable. (If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Is your organization a PII processor or PII controller? Aviation/Space/Defense Because you have marked that you have someone in your organization that cannot communicate verbally in English, please download this interpreter form, complete, and upload here.* What is the operational schedule of the company?* Please explain the seasonal operational schedule:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
If distributor/stockist, please give warehouse size (square footage):*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please identify key manufacturing / service processes and key design technologies:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
How many customers do you have in the Aviation/Space/Defense industry?*
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no longer in use- How many customers do you have in the Aviation/Space/Defense industry?
Please list your top 5 Aviation/Space/Defense customers:
Table Fields
Use the sections of text corresponding to the table of above.
*F/P/T stands for Full-time/Part-time/Temp
**E/D/L/N stands for Early Shift/Day Shift/Late Shift/Night Shift
Is your quality manual completed?* List any current approvals and/or Trade Association Memberships:*
Please list n/a if not applicable. (If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Is there a central function which oversees the other locations?* This would include, for all locations, the review of data, management review, internal audits, ability to require corrective actions, ability to initiate organization changes, and legal/contractual links by the central function.
Please describe:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
How many locations ship to your customers?*
Do all of the locations that ship to your customers need to be included on the certificate and be listed in OASIS? (please ensure you consider the customer requirements of the organization pursuing registration)?* Please identify all product families that are to be included in the scope of registration:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
If there are more than one product families, are they produced the same way?* Please attach attach a diagram of your value stream showing all product families, locations, and processes.* TL 9000 Please list any exclusions you have:
Please choose your product category: Automotive - IATF 16949 If not currently certified to IATF 16949, has your organization been previously certified to IATF 16949 or TS 16949 and the certification was withdrawn due to open nonconformities?* Name of prior Certification Body*
Date certificate was withdrawn*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Number of open nonconformities from last audit*
Number of closed nonconformities from last audit*
Please download the IATF sites form below, complete it, and upload here.* Are you requesting a corporate registration?* Do you have a centrally structured and managed Quality Management System?* How many sites do you support with remote support functions?*
How many automotive customers do you have?*
Are you currently producing parts for the automotive supply chain?* Please list your primary automotive customers, and their corresponding supplier codes, if applicable:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are your automotive and non-automotive processes the same?* What percentage of your business is automotive?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Will you have 12 months of internal audits and performance data related to your production of automotive product(s), prior to the registration?* ISO 14001 What are your site's significant environmental aspects?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Do you subcontract out any EHS processes?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please indicate your status as a Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG, SQG, CESQG)*
Does your facility have a Waste water treatment operation or Pre-treat (pH adjustment)?* Please detail*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Environmental - ISO 14001. Occ. Health and Safety - OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001, Responsible Care - RC 14001, RCMS Are there any site-related Factors, including proximity to sensitive environments (e.g. wetland, flora, fauna and human communities) that could be impacted by the organization’s activities?* Please identify:*
Please describe the significant risks and hazards that apply to your organization*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are there any functions of your environmental and/or OHS program that are performed at other locations ( i.e.warehouses, design centers, satellite manufacturing sites, administrative office, etc.)?* Please identify location(s):*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
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NO LONGER IN USE- Are there regulatory requirements applicable to the environmental and/or OHS activities, products, and/or services which are included in the proposed scope of registration? What are the primary regulatory requirements applicable to the environmental and/or OHS activities, products and/or services which are included in the proposed scope of registration?*
(e.g. air emission control, waste water treatment, hazardous waste, forklifts, etc.)
Please list (e.g.air emission control, waste water treatment, hazardous waste, forklifts, etc.):*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Does the organization have any processes, environmental aspects or impacts relating to Emissions to Air, Releases to Land, Releases to Water, Uses of Raw Materials, Energy and Natural Resources, Energy emitted (all types) and Waste?* Please describe*
Please identify significant hazardous material, equipment or processes that apply.*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are the environmental and/or OHS functions performed at the corporate or division level?* Please identify location(s):*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please list all remediation projects:*
Environmental Remediation deals with the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water for the general protection of human health and the environment or from a brownfield site intended for redevelopment. Remediation is generally subject to an array of regulatory requirements, and can be based on assessments of human health and ecological risks where no legislated standards exist or where standards are advisory.-source wikipedia
Please indicate who is responsible for oversight of remediation projects:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please list all the product lines and/or services that are provided under your facility's environmental and/or OHS system, and identify the corresponding SIC, NAICS, EA, or NACE codes:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Does the facility have safety requirements regarding clothing and/or protective equipment?* Is any protective equipment provided?* This field is hidden when viewing the form
NO LONGER IN USE- Are any of the following items allowed or appropriate? Please list any safety restrictions for visitors (contact lenses, beards, dresses, etc)?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Does the facility have any other special safety requirements?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Does the facility require a Chemical Terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) Authorized User Certificate?* Are you an ACC Member Organization?* Have you fully implemented the ACC guiding principles?* If no, please describe.*
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NO LONGER IN USE- Please specify all laboratories and their functions within the facility that are involved in environmental and/or OHS controls:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Are there any interactions of the physical attributes (size, shape and color) of buildings, structures and equipment with the local environment? IT Services How do you characterize your business?* How do you describe your business processes?* How would you describe the maturity of your management system?* Complexity of ISMS/SMS* IT Infrastructure Details What best describes your IT Infrastructure?* Dependency on outsourcing* Information systems development* Service availability requirement* This field is hidden when viewing the form
NO LONGER IN USE- What are the different types of IT Platforms used (OS, Databases, Servers, Networks, etc.)?
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NO LONGER IN USE- Please describe your dependency on external service providers:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Please describe any application development/maintenance activities:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Number of Disaster Recovery sites:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Total number of employees (including contractors) to be covered by the registration:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Types of information assets included in the scope of ISMS (e.g. client confidential data, health records, etc.)
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NO LONGER IN USE- How long your organization is implementing ISMS/SMS processes? Are you certificated to any other standard?
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NO LONGER IN USE- Types of products or services to be covered by the registration?
Medical Devices - ISO 13485 Do you design and/or manufacture a finished medical device?* What type of medical device?*
Do you design and/or manufacture a component?* Please list your primary medical device products or components:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Do you also need other related services:* Will you require a notified body?* Are you currently registered or planning to register with the FDA or another regulatory jurisdiction?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please choose which best describes your business* Energy Management – ISO 50001 Does the facility have a documented EnMS?* How long has it been in operation?*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please note when the documentation and implementation of the EnMS will begin and be completed*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please identify the boundaries of the registration*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are there any EnMS functions that are performed at off site facilities / locations other than the one represented by this form? (i.e. warehouses, design centers, satellite manufacturing sites, administrative offices etc.)?* Please list Company Name, Address and Function*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
List any processes / services to be included in the scope of registration that are outsourced*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Are any EnMS functions performed at the "corporate" or "division" level?* Please list the functions:*
Please list regulatory requirements related to energy management (federal, state, regional, local):*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Is there a process to identify or conduct: energy use and consumption; energy review; energy baseline, with verifiable objectives, targets and action plans?* Has design for energy improvement efficiency and procurement been included in the EnMS?* In order to determine the total number of effective personnel that impact the EnMS, please consider and provide the following: Number of top management personnel*
Number of employees in the energy management team*
Number of employees responsible for procurement related to energy performance*
Number of employees responsible for major changes that affect energy performance*
Number of employees responsible for developing, implementing or maintaining energy performance improvements, including objectives, energy targets and action plans*
Number of employees responsible for developing and maintaining energy data and analysis*
Number of employees responsible for planning, operating and maintaining the processes related to the SEUs including during seasonal operations (e.g. harvesting activities, hotels) as appropriate*
Number of employees responsible for design which affects energy performance*
Considering the above personnel, what is the total number of personnel across these roles without double counting any person*
What are the main energy sources?*
For each energy source, list the annual energy consumption for the last full year and specific in units of Kwh, MMBtu or Terajoules
Please specify any special activities or consideration relative to your EnMS:*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
Please list all insignificant sources of energy and the total energy consumption. All must be identified*
(If you're unsure at the moment, you can note that below and be asked later).
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NO LONGER IN USE- Please specify any special activities or consideration relative to your Energy Management System:
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NO LONGER IN USE- Number of Top Management / Leadership Team members
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NO LONGER IN USE- Number of Management Representatives*
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NO LONGER IN USE- How many people are involved in energy management? (Energy Effective Personnel)?
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NO LONGER IN USE- Number of energy sources (Nes)